DevOps Advisory Service

Accelerate your software delivery by minimizing costs and driving efficiency. We help you use continuous delivery techniques to improve your software development processes.

DevOps Solutions

We help organizations rapidly launch themselves into the DevOps era by leveraging the power of Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment and DevOps Intelligence.

DevOps on AWS

We have a decade of experience using AWS Cloud Services. We have implemented DevOps on AWS for several partners. Our extensive hands-on DevOps experience and understanding of best practices & tools enables us to deliver great results to our customers. We have migrated complex applications and managed daunting infrastructure challenges with ease resulting in better deployment cycles and optimized performance.

Request a Free Consultation about our DevOps Advisory Services

Let Us help you Create a robust software automation environment

At Sunkloud we practice the agile approach to software development, allowing our teams of DevOps experts to build enterprise-level, high-delivery products with fewer people involved and fewer hours billed. We offer our customers to experience the same benefits as our DevOps Advisory Service. 

Learn how you can manage your investments smarter, gain more value from your existing assets, and use your existing resources wiser by outsourcing your DevOps journey to Sunkloud. So, what exactly Our DevOps can do for your business? Increase your production availability and reduce the costs of sustaining an effective work environment.

 Let your programmers stay focused on code and product logic, rather than builds, server configurations, and environments they work with. Establish a better managerial and operations culture, an advantageous product delivery roadmap. Improve your team’s flexibility and allow you to make new changes within a few minutes, rather than months. Eliminate the human error factor and any related issues.


Implementing CI/CD is not about using tools, It requires organizational changes and a mindset shift as well as deep technical knowledge to automate the entire software delivery process. Our team of experts is here to help your organization implement CI/CD standards and procedures that suit your needs


We help organizations identify the right test automation approach to match their needs. We have expertise in choosing the right set of test automation tools that help reduce the cost of implementing and maintaining test suites.


Most organizations cannot deploy fast to the market due to their inability to design a reliable test automation system that has sufficient quality to provide meaningful coverage across their applications. Sunkloud can help speed your delivery pipeline by implementing DevOps industry best practices that reduce the chance of errors and give you the ability to scale your CI/CD implementation.


Application downtime is expensive, so most enterprises strive to minimize or, better yet, eliminate it. Reducing downtime when you need to roll out software patches or new features is a technical challenge. Our team of experts will work end to end with your team to implement Blue/Green deployments patterns that minimize downtime and address failed deployments in a reliable and effective way.


IaC is the concept of deploying and configuring IT infrastructure in an automated way by using machine-readable blueprints as opposed to manual processes. Sunkloud provides solutions that use the advantages of applying infrastructure as a coding strategy to deployment based on the industry best practices.


We help organizations come up with the most efficient and reliable ways to deliver code faster with better quality. You can rely on our expertise to build the best continuous integration, continuous delivery, agile development, DevOps, and test-driven development in your environment. in safe, small, incremental steps.

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